
Un jeune homme posant une main sur sa tête

A man with afro hair making binoculars with his hands


A moment of disappointment

A man in a white shirt is touching his headAI

Femme concernée, penser à la vie et toucher les cheveux

Thoughtful man standing in front of window

Angry woman pulling her hair

Fatigué, jeune femme, séance, devant, elle, ordinateur portable

A shocked man looking at computer screen next to an upset man

An exchausted woman sitting at a desk in front of a laptop


A woman is crying on a hospital background

Femme couvrant le visage avec les deux paumes

Médecin surmené se couvrant le visage

Sleepy girl standing with hands folded under cheek

A woman covering her face with her handsAI

Portrait d'une femme caucasienne mélancolique

A man is covering his eyes with his hands

A man sitting in front of a laptop computerAI

Petit garçon couvrant ses yeux avec les mains

A man facepalming at the office

A woman is sitting at a table with a laptop in front of herAI

Distressed woman standing next to a window

Homme aux cheveux gris couvrant son visage avec ses mains

A man covering his eyes with his handsAI

Eu pensif en marchant parmi toute cette beauté

Homme fatigué, docteur, toucher, sien, tête

Homme frustré entouré de pièces

Femme déprimée s'appuyant sur sa main

A man and a woman facepalming

A man and woman with their hands on their facesAI

A tired man sitting at a desk with a laptop in front of him

A man sitting in front of a laptop computerAI
Icônes « Éperdu »