Je dois dire que ce n'est pas aussi facile que je le pensais
A nice-looking caucasian guy in a striped t-shirt, having fun learning how to ride a skateboard
A nice-looking caucasian guy in a striped t-shirt, having fun learning how to ride a skateboard
A nice-looking caucasian guy in a striped t-shirt, having fun learning how to ride a skateboard
The ground turned out to be way closer than i thought it were
You either have both of your knees or enjoy sneezing while skateboarding, i guess
Retourné la plaque avec des pâtes noires sur fond sombre
Petite fille assise sur les genoux du père noël et il s'est endormi
Oh well, sometimes those unexpected things do happen
A nice-looking caucasian guy in a striped t-shirt, having fun learning how to ride a skateboard